Your home’s oil-fired heating system works hard for months on end to keep your Northwestern Connecticut home warm and comfortable all winter long.
Not taking care of it with annual maintenance tune-ups from the experienced in-house service team at Marandola Fuel can prove costly in many ways. That’s why we encourage tune-ups and include them in our affordable service plans.
An annual maintenance tune-up of your furnace or boiler by Marandola offers several benefits in terms of saving money, comfort and peace of mind.
Prevents breakdowns. There’s a reason that tune-ups are called “preventative maintenance.” When your heating system is working properly, you don’t have to worry about it breaking down. When our experts check up on your heating system during a tune-up, they are always checking it for problems as well. Four out of five heating system repair jobs could have been prevented with regular professional maintenance. A tune-up allows our technicians to identify issues and repair them before they become worse, causing your heating system to break down and resulting in a large repair bill.
Improved efficiency. A well-maintained heating or boiler performs at its peak efficiency. You’ll save on energy costs!
Protection for your heating system. When your heating system gets annual tune-ups, it runs better and has fewer breakdowns. That can lead to a much longer life expectancy, giving you an even better return on your investment.
Protects the warranty. To keep your heating system’s warranty valid, most manufacturers require annual professional maintenance tune-ups. If you don’t get the tune-ups, you may get a nasty surprise in the form of large repair costs later on when you discover your warranty has been nullified.
Timing is everything when it comes to getting your home’s heating system a tune-up. The worst time to do it is right before or at the beginning of heating season.
That’s because our service department gets busier as the weather gets colder. That increased demand means that the longer you wait to schedule, the longer you may have to wait for your tune-up.
We can get to your place quicker by getting your tune-up in the spring, once heating season is over, or late summer or early fall. You’ll be more comfortable knowing that no matter when the first cold snap occurs, your furnace or boiler is in excellent working order!
Make sure your home’s oil-fired furnace or boiler is ready for whatever winter sends our way. Contact Marandola to schedule your annual maintenance tune-up. Don’t forget to ask about our service plans!